Sunday 2 August 2015

Tips for Healthy Hair!

I don't think anyone can ever deny looking through Pinterest every so often and getting serious hair envy from the array of gorgeous hairstyles and hair colours you can spot. But when trying out the hairstyles on yourself you wonder why it doesn't look the same, why this bit of hair doesn't reach all the way over there or even just how their hair is so luscious and beautiful.

So how can you get your hair looking that good? Here are some of my tips!

Get regular trims.
This is so important, even if you're growing your hair. Having split ends makes your hair look way less healthy and if you leave it too long (perhaps because you're trying to grow your hair) you'll end  up having to have more hair cut off to compensate for not getting it trimmed. Get a trim every 4-6 weeks if you aren't growing your hair, and 8-10 weeks if you are growing your hair.

Damaged hair.
Try to limit the amount of heat you use on your hair, if you blow-dry your hair, then style it using heat after that its going to cause more damage to your hair, just like regularly dying your hair lighter than it's natural colour. Of course there are many products that you can use to minimise the damage, but its still going to cause some damage! Try to leave your hair to dry naturally sometimes and embrace your natural hair because you might feel like you don't like your natural hair but it may surprise you! My hair used to be very curly, until i was about four, when it went completely straight, For the next nine years I had straight hair and went from long hair to a bob twice (I was feeling brave/indecisive/ I really liked guest blogger Kate's short hair when we were about six and wanted it like hers). Then one day I washed my hair and left it to dry overnight and I woke up and it had dried in loose curls! Let your hair do it's thing, it might be a nice surprise!

Try to avoid washing your hair too often, this will strip your hair of essential oils, and brushing your hair when it's wet can also damage your hair!

We all love food but for really healthy hair making sure you have enough protein, iron, vitamin C, omega 3, vitamin A, zinc, selenium, vitamin E and biotin in your diet. Click here to find more information about that and what foods contain them!

Hair Oils.
Hair oils have become really popular in the past few years, using coconut oil, Argan oil, I've even seen articles about olive oil use on hair. The oils can nourish the ends of your hair leaving it looking soft, sleek and shiny. Using an oil, such as coconut oil, massaged into your scalp and lengths of hair, left overnight and washed off the following morning, has many benefits. These benefits include preventing hair breakage, stimulating the hair follicles (these both help towards hair growth) as well as slowing down hair loss and obviously moisturising your hair! It's good to research into hair oils as there are many and they can be quite expensive so you want to find one that sounds right for you!

Everyone is different, everyone's hair grows at a different speed, everyone has different kinds of hair. Some of us are lucky and have hair that grows really fast, some may have hair that grows slow, some have thick hair, some have fine hair. Just work with your hair. What works for someone else may not work for you! And no one's hair will grow six inches overnight!

I am lucky that I have hair that grows very fast and is thick and healthy looking. It is now just past my waist, after having it cut in a bob again a few years ago!
I just want to apologise for the quality of these, my camera wasn't having any of it (which is why i don't use auto focus!)  so I resorted to using my phone! My hair also is quite straight for me here, I washed it this morning so it wasn't completely dry and I just brushed it out.
I hope this post helped some of you, I'm no hair expert but I researched everything beforehand!
I'd love to see everyone's Pinterest-worthy hair, so tag me in photos;)

Lots of love,
Emma xxx

I have two song recommendations for this post, Expensive by Tori Kelly and I Was Made For Loving You, also by Tori Kelly. I can't wait for Tori's album to finally be released in the UK! Expensive is so great to dance around your room to, I absolutely love it, it features a rapper called Daye Jack, I don't really know who he is and I don't think he necessarily adds to the song at all, but the song is great any way! I Was Made For Loving you is a really beautiful song, it features Ed Sheeran (an artist that I also love!) and it really is just a lovely song so please give it a listen!

I don't know if anyone reads this bit of the post, but if you do let me know what songs you're loving at the moment, or what you think of the songs I've recommended!

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